Weekly Politics Summary: 1/4/24- Big Loss for President Erdogan

Biggest loss for Erdogan and ruling party in local Turkish Elections

The Republican People’s Party (CHP) in Turkey won its largest victory in Turkish Local Elections. The CHP won 6 out of 8 of Turkey’s largest cities, including Istanbul which Erdogan was mayor of from 1994 to 1998. President of Turkey and leader of the AK Party, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said at the AK’s Party base in Ankara “We will rebuild trust in places where our nation has chosen someone else”.  

The image belongs to Copyright Holder. Image from – https://www.afp.com/en/news-hub Adem Altan / AFP/ Getty

Scotland Imposes New Hate Crime Law

In Scotland, the “Hate Crime and Public Order Act 2021” has come into effect and created a new, and loosely defined crime, of “stirring up hatred” against disabilities, age, sexual orientation, religion, and transgender identity. The longest possible prison sentence is 7 years.

The law was approved 82 to 32 votes with 4 abstentions, in the Scottish Parliament. This law is clandestinely targeting author J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, due to her sensible views on Transgenderism and how it damages women’s rights. J.K. Rowling lives in Edinburgh and is currently out of the country, as of April 1st, 2024.

The image belongs to Copyright Holder. Image from – https://pa.media Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament/PA

Cannabis Legalised in Germany

On April 1st Cannabis was legalized in Germany. This allowed possession of up to 50g of cannabis to be legal on private property and 25g legal in public spaces. This is an attempt by the German Government to shrink the black market for cannabis and reduce drug-induced deaths due to contaminated Cannabis. On Friday the 23rd of February the Bundestag, German Parliament, passed the bill with 407 to 226 votes.

The issue with the partial legalization of marijuana is that demand will quickly outgrow legal supply and will strengthen the black market. This results in the opposite of one of the possible benefits of this law. Additionally, those under 18 cannot legally buy marijuana. This means they will buy it from dealers anyway, maintaining the popularity of the black market.

Image belongs to Copyright Holder. Image from – https://www.gettyimages.co.uk Michele Tantussi/Getty Images

All Images belong to Copyright Holders.

Cover Image – https://www.afp.com/en/news-hub Yasin Akgul/AFP


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