About Us

A News site committed to giving you quality information.

Created by students.

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

A weekly news roundup


We will dedicate an article to the current world politics every week.


We will dedicate an article to the latest technology news every week.


We will dedicate an article to the current finance news every week.

More about us:

We are a group of students who are interested in politics and technology, and we want this to be accessible to all.

“Hi there! I am a student that is interested in technology. I thought it would be cool to create The Politics Outlook so that I can help myself and others stay informed.”

Arjun – Founder, Technology editor, App Developer

“I firmly believe in taking every opportunity that comes your way. This is no exception. To be able to write interesting and captivating stories means readers like you have the opportunity to learn something new, something that might change your mind.”

Freddie – Co-Founder, Political Editor

“Knowledge is worthless if not fruitfully shared with those seeking it. Knowledge is power, is liberating, and yet is the most fearsome weapon of all. Knowledge is the foundation of past, future and present innovation, and I personally look to share and learn as much I can with utmost integrity and passion. This is what I aim to do, as a student, part of the Political Outlook.”

Hrishi – Co-Founder, Financial Editor