Author: Freddie

  • Understanding Parliamentary Systems

    Understanding Parliamentary Systems

    Throughout history, societies have experimented with various forms of governance and parliamentary systems. Often distinct systems are conflated with one another and lead to uncertainty with how the system works. Athens, in Ancient Greece, was the birthplace of democracy. The city-state first began democratic processes around the year 508 BC. However, Athens has been the…

  • European Parliamentary Elections and Italy’s G7

    European Parliamentary Elections and Italy’s G7

    European Parliamentary Election results have proved to be a major win for conservatism across Europe. The four major right-wing European Parliamentary party’s are the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats), renew Europe, European Conservatives, Reformists Group and Identity Democracy Group. With 720 seats available in the parliament, these 4 groups control 390, giving them a majority. Despite…

  • Sunak’s Election Timing and Political Dynamics:

    Sunak’s Election Timing and Political Dynamics:

    When is the Election taking place and why then? Rishi Sunak has announced that the UK General Election will take place on July 4th. Rishi Sunak and the Conservative team have been very intentional in the selection of the date, to maximise their chances of winning the election. During the hot summer months, Sunak is relying on the younger Labour voters to…

  • Sadiq Khan wins London Mayoral Election: Election Unwrapped

    Sadiq Khan wins London Mayoral Election: Election Unwrapped

    Labour’s Sadiq Khan has won his third term as Mayor of London after beating Conservative Opposition Susan Hall. YouGov Polling before Thursday 2nd of May suggested that Sadiq Khan would beat Susan Hall by 22%. Sadiq Khan won 11.1% and secured 1,088,285 votes, compared to Susan Hall’s 812,397 votes.  Candidate Expected Actual Sadiq Khan 47%…

  • Political Literacy: Building Critical Thinkers in the Information age

    Political Literacy: Building Critical Thinkers in the Information age

    Currently, we are overwhelmed by a plethora of news sources in our digitally saturated world. Think about how many news companies you can name? It is the easiest it has ever been to access information of all sorts, and as a result, the easiest it has ever been to be lied to. The valuable ability…

  • Weekly Politics Summary – 26/4/24: Sunak raises Defence Budget

    Weekly Politics Summary – 26/4/24: Sunak raises Defence Budget

    Sunak Celebrates as Rwanda Bill Passes On Monday the 22nd, the House of Lords passed the Rwanda bill, which will deport 2,200 illegal migrants to Rwanda. Previously, the bill was being sent back and forth between the Commons and the Lords. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has worked on this bill since his ascension to power in 2022, which was…